Uroscopy Bibliography

The following bibliography contains scholarly studies on uroscopy and its use into the Early Modern Period. Specific sources on Henry Daniel can be found here.

Collins, Kenneth, Samuel Kottek, and Helena Paavilainen, eds. Isaac Israeli: The Philosopher Physician. Jerusalem: Muriel and Philip Berman Medical Library, Hebrew University, 2015.

Moulinier, Laurence. “La science des urines de Maurus de Salerne et les Sinthomata Magistri Mauri inédits”. In La Scuola Medica Salernitana: Gli autori e i testi, ed. Danielle Jacquart and Agostino Paravicini Bagliani. Florence, 2007. pp. 261-81.

Moulinier-Brogi, Laurence. “L’uroscopie en vulgaire dans l’Occident médiévale: un tour d’horizon”. In Science Translated: Latin and Vernacular Translations of Scientific Treatises in Medieval Europe, ed. Michèle Goyens et al. Leuven, 2008, pp. 221-41.

        . “Un flacon en point de mire: La science des urines, un enjeu culturel dans la société médiévale (XIIIe – XVe siècles)”, Annales HSS 65.1 (Feb. 2010): 11-37.

        , ed. and trans. Guillaume l’Anglais, le frondeur de l’uroscopie médiévale (XIIIe s.): Édition et traduction commentée du De urina non visa. Geneva, 2011.

        . L’Uroscopie au Moyen Age: ‘Lire dans un verre la nature de l’homme.’ Paris, 2012.

        . “Modèle ou faire-valoir? Guillaume l’Anglais et quelques-uns de ses épigone,” Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes 27 (2014): 39-58.

Shackelford, Jole. “Paracelsian Uroscopy and German Chemiatric Medicine in the Medicina Pensylvania of George de Benneville”. In Medical Theory and Therapeutic Practice in the Eighteenth Century: A Transatlantic Perspective, ed. Jürgen Helm and Renate Wilson. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2008, pp. 13-35, esp. 23-29.

Stolberg, Michael. “The Decline of Uroscopy in Early Modern Learned Medicine (1500-1650)”. Early Science and Medicine 12.3 (2007): 313-36.

        . Die Harnschau: Eine Kultur- und Alltagsceshichte. Köln, 2009. Trans. as Uroscopy in Early Modern Europe by Logan Kennedy and Leonhard Unglaub. Farnham, Surrey, 2015.

Tavormina, M. Teresa. “The Twenty-Jordan Series: An Illustrated Middle English Uroscopy Text”. ANQ 18:3 (Summer 2005): 40-64.

        . “The Middle English Letter of Ipocras”. English Studies 88 (2007): 632–52.

       . “Seeing the World in Water: Humoural Theory and Practice in Medieval and Modern Uroscopies”. Modern Studies in English Language and Literature 51.1 (2007): 465-97.

        . “Practice, Theory and Authority in a Middle English Medical Text: ‘Barton’s Urines Which He Treated at Tilney'”. Journal of Nephrology 22, Supplement 14 (2009): S33-S41.

        . “Three Middle English Verse Uroscopies”. English Studies 91 (2010): 591-622.

        . “Uroscopy in Middle English: A Guide to the Texts and Manuscripts”, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History 3d ser., 11 (2015): 1-154.

        , ed. The Dome of Uryne: A Reading Edition of Nine Middle English Uroscopies. EETS o.s. 354. Oxford, 2019.

Veit, Raphaela. “Isaac Israeli: His Treatise on Urine (De urinis) and its Reception in the Latin World.” In Isaac Israeli: The Philosopher Physician, ed. Collins et al. Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2015, pp. 77-113.

Visi, Tamás. “Tradition and Innovation: Isaac Israeli’s Classification of the Colors of Urines.” In Isaac Israeli: The Philosopher Physician, ed. Collins et al. Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2015, pp. 39-66.

Wallis, Faith. “Inventing Diagnosis: Theophilus’ De urinis in the Classroom”. In Dynamis Special Issue: El Aprendizaje de la Medicina en el Mundo Medieval: Las Fronteras de la Ensenanza Universitaria, ed. Cornelius O’Boyle, Roger French, and Fernando Salmón. Dynamis 20 (2000): 31-73.

        . “Signs and Senses: Diagnosis and Prognosis in Early Medieval Pulse and Urine Texts”. Social History of Medicine 13 (2000): 265-78.

Warrens, Anthony N. “Isaac Israeli’s Book of Urine: Viewpoint of the Modern Nephrologist.” In Isaac Israeli: The Philosopher Physician, ed. Collins et al. Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2015, pp. 173-96.

Page header image: London, British Library, Harley MS 5311.